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Can you vaccinate the kids if your ex disagrees?
Jan 13, 2023
Can you vaccinate the kids if your ex disagrees?

Parents have to make a lot of tough choices for their kids – and that includes, at times, important medical decisions. That can be hard enough, but what happens if the parents are no longer together and they can’t seem to reach an agreement over…

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Is it better to stay together for the kids?
Jan 13, 2023
Is it better to stay together for the kids?

Staying for the kids is possibly one of the most difficult subjects that parents considering divorce deal with. Research shows that 7.6 million parents stay longer in relationships than they would have liked because of their children. Of course, there are significant benefits to raising…

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2 reasons why you may need to modify alimony
Dec 30, 2022
2 reasons why you may need to modify alimony

Ideally, divorce would mark the end of everything to do with your spouse. Once the divorce is finalized and you sign those dotted lines, you want to leave the court with a sigh of relief that you have finally cut ties with your ex. Unfortunately,…

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Can you ever withhold child support?
Dec 16, 2022
Can you ever withhold child support?

You were ordered to pay child support when you got divorced. You made a lot more money than your ex, and the child was going to live with them most of the time, so the money helped to even out that responsibility. That doesn’t mean…

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Can you both keep your beloved vacation home in a divorce?
Dec 02, 2022
Can you both keep your beloved vacation home in a divorce?

It may not have been difficult for you and your soon-to-be ex to decide what to do with your family home – whether it was to sell it or for one of you to buy the other out. Your vacation home, however, is another matter.…

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3 questions to ask when making a parenting plan
Nov 16, 2022
3 questions to ask when making a parenting plan

You and your ex-spouse may not agree on a lot, but you do agree that the well-being of your child is more important than anything else. That’s why you’re taking crucial steps to create a well-planned child custody agreement. Here are three critical questions you…

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Is deferred compensation on the table in a Connecticut divorce?
Nov 09, 2022
Is deferred compensation on the table in a Connecticut divorce?

It can take weeks of careful review and frustrating negotiations to reach a property division settlement that works for you and your spouse. For many couples contemplating divorce in Connecticut, separating their financial resources will be one of the most challenging steps in the process.…

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Unique challenges of divorce on business owners
Nov 02, 2022
Unique challenges of divorce on business owners

Your family has always been your number one priority, with your business being a close second. Unfortunately, your marriage is not quite working out. You’ve decided that the best way to go is to pursue a divorce. This is what’s best for you and your…

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Are the differences in your marriage irreconcilable?
Oct 19, 2022
Are the differences in your marriage irreconcilable?

You’ve been married for several years and there have been many ups and downs along the way. You had the honeymoon period in the beginning and as time went on you both faced some setbacks. This is a normal pattern for marriages to take. The…

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Why custody orders can be modified
Oct 05, 2022
Why custody orders can be modified

If you are divorcing as parents, then the top priority for both you and the courts will be to settle matters regarding child custody. Perhaps you and your co-parent were able to come up with an arrangement amicably. Failing this, the court would have stepped…

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