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Divorce could happen because of your commute
Jan 05, 2024
Divorce could happen because of your commute

If you ask people why divorce happens, they’ll cite a multitude of reasons. Infidelity. Financial troubles. Stress and conflict. Getting married too young. The list goes on and on. One thing that you may not have suspected, however, is your daily commute. Some reports show…

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Reviewing your parenting plan as a new year begins
Dec 27, 2023
Reviewing your parenting plan as a new year begins

As the new year rolls around, it’s time for co-parents to review and refresh their parenting plans. Why? A parenting plan, essentially a roadmap for raising children post-divorce or separation, benefits greatly from regular assessments and updates and the start of each new year is…

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Why are joint child custody arrangements so common?
Dec 12, 2023
Why are joint child custody arrangements so common?

Child custody cases are rarely a winner-takes-all scenario. Both parents end up sharing responsibility for the upbringing of the children after divorce in most cases, which is commonly referred to as joint custody. It means you are likely to share legal and physical custody of…

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Should you close a bank account during a divorce?
Nov 24, 2023
Should you close a bank account during a divorce?

After many discussions, you and your spouse have decided that you’re going to get divorced. It’s time to begin dividing your lives. Since you have a shared bank account, you’re considering closing that account and starting one under your own name. In many ways, this…

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Can one parent move away with their children post-divorce?
Nov 13, 2023
Can one parent move away with their children post-divorce?

Families change dramatically during and after divorce proceedings. For example, at least one of the parents in the household will likely move out of the family home. Sometimes, everyone has to relocate because neither parent can afford the marital home on their own. The schedule…

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2 benefits of joint custody to consider
Nov 06, 2023
2 benefits of joint custody to consider

The concept of joint custody has gained prominence as a viable option for divorced or separated parents. When it comes to making custody arrangements, choosing joint custody can offer numerous benefits for both parents and, more importantly, the children involved. Joint custody, also known as…

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Why should you pay off debts during a divorce?
Oct 25, 2023
Why should you pay off debts during a divorce?

Divorce is a major financial upheaval. While dividing up assets is often the focal point of divorce proceedings, equal attention must be given to debts. Failure to address debts can have long-lasting ramifications for both parties. Debt acquired during a marriageis generally considered marital debt,…

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How old are couples, on average, when they have their first child?
Oct 08, 2023
How old are couples, on average, when they have their first child?

The age at which people have their first child has been changing in the United States. Like the age at which they get married, it has been going up. Recently, the U.S. census determined that the average age of a woman who was having her…

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4 ways to streamline marital property division in Connecticut
Sep 26, 2023
4 ways to streamline marital property division in Connecticut

Marital property division can be a complex and emotionally charged aspect of divorce proceedings. The process involves the equitable distribution of assets and debts acquired during a marriage, and it can significantly impact the financial well-being of both parties involved. To help ensure a smoother…

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3 ways someone’s job can impact Connecticut custody decisions
Sep 12, 2023
3 ways someone’s job can impact Connecticut custody decisions

Many aspects of day-to-day life abruptly change when one parent in a family files for divorce. All of a sudden, a child’s parents may live in separate households, which can create financial and practical challenges for the entire family. There will be more costs to…

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