Divorce is a difficult and emotionally charged time, made even more complicated and stressful when the couple going through the divorce has a high net worth. With financial futures at stake, decisions made during the divorce process are absolutely critical. When a couple is unable…
People in Connecticut who are gay or lesbianand who want to start a family like their heterosexual counterparts know that their road to parenthood may be long and arduous. However, the desire to enjoy this part of life is understandable and many have found ways…
Surrogacy law varies dramatically from state to state. Some states have enacted extremely prohibitive laws concerning surrogacy contracts and the rights of no-biological parents in such arrangements. Connecticut is a comparatively surrogacy-friendly state. Couples seeking to conceive a child through surrogacy in the nutmeg state…
Residents in Connecticut who get divorced know that there will be many new things to learn and decisions to make. One of the difficult parts of ending a marriage is deciding how the couple’s assets and debts will be split between both parties. It is…
College financial aid applications can be confusing for both you and your children. Even some that may seem relatively easy, such as the FAFSA, are full of nuances you and your child may not have considered. For example, who is the “custodial” parent? It could…