Couples who are having difficulty conceiving a child in Connecticut may consider in vitro fertilization as an alternative reproduction method. According to the Mayo Clinic, in vitro fertilization involves joining egg and sperm outside the body in a laboratory and then implanting the fertilized embryo…
If you and your spouse in Connecticut have chosen to separate, one of the things you should consider revising is your estate plan. Even if you are not sure whether or not you will divorce or when you might divorce, there are no doubt some…
If you are in your 50s, 60s or even older and are contemplating getting divorced, you are far from alone. Many other couples in Connecticut and around the United States are in this position as the rate of divorces in this age group has grown…
It has been more than three full years now since the United States Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage across the nation. In that time, however, gay and lesbian couples have still encountered many challenges when it comes to finding ways to become parents and ways…
Everyone’s divorce is different. Some people will have a fairly difficult divorce while other divorces will be far more amicable. In one particular case, a Connecticut couple still got along 20 years after the divorce to the point where the woman donated her kidney to…
For some couples in Connecticut, the last several weeks of 2018 might look very different than anyone could have ever imagined. Instead of rushing to the mall, enjoying holiday festivities and working to salvage a marriage being primary activities, rushing to get divorced might be…
One of the main decisions a court makes when it comes to children is child support payments. Child support is a payment from one parent to another to assist with the care of the children. Usually, the parent who the children live with receives the…
Connecticut residents have more options for starting a family these days than ever before. Between different types of artificial conception, parents of all sorts can have children much more easily than in the past. However, these new methods of conception also create legal questions, such…
Many people in Connecticut are aware that the generation known as the millennials is responsible for leading a variety of changes in society and this includes in the realm of marriage and divorce. Some new information from a study conducted by a researcher at the…
While the divorce rate has been high in recent decades, experts have found a steady decline in recent years. The reason for this boils down to millennials following different marriage patterns than their parents. The younger population usually marries later in life when they have…