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Understanding amicable divorce
Sep 02, 2019
Understanding amicable divorce

At the law offices of Reich & Truax, PLLC, we know that one of the last words most Connecticut residents want to hear associated with their divorce is “amicable.” After all, the circumstances that led to the end of your marriage were likely to be…

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Managing back-to-school after a divorce
Aug 10, 2019
Managing back-to-school after a divorce

The end of summer can often be a busy time for families in Connecticut who have school-aged children. People may try to fit in the last of the summer fun activities while also needing to get prepared for that eventual first day of school. For…

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What are benefits of a surrogacy agreement?
Jul 29, 2019
What are benefits of a surrogacy agreement?

Couples in Connecticut working with a surrogate, and likewise, surrogates themselves, will find the state has many favorable conditions for them. For instance, surrogacy agreements are legal in the state. There are several benefits to negotiating this type of contract between the surrogate and intended…

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Poverty and divorce linked in research results
Jul 28, 2019
Poverty and divorce linked in research results

It is reasonable for people who live in Connecticut to be worried about their finances if or when they get divorced. The impact of splitting assets and finding how to support oneself on a solo income after becoming accustomed to a married income lifestyle is…

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What factors do courts consider for custody and visitation?
Jul 11, 2019
What factors do courts consider for custody and visitation?

Filing for divorce is difficult enough. It becomes substantially harder when the couple shares children and they must go through the process of determining child custody. Unless extenuating circumstances are present that would warrant one parent having sole custody, the court will need to decide…

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Can you keep your 401k?
Jul 08, 2019
Can you keep your 401k?

As you enter into your divorce proceedings in Southport, you likely have already resigned yourself to the fact that you will likely lose (or at least see your ownership diminish in) some assets. You may not be ready, however, to include your 401k amongst them.…

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How can I prepare for my custody hearing?
Jun 23, 2019
How can I prepare for my custody hearing?

Even with an attorney’s assistance, child custody hearings are often stressful for parents. Keep in mind you have the best chance of a successful result when you conduct yourself appropriately and come to the courthouse fully prepared for your hearing. That’s why Very Well Family…

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Pet custody in a divorce
Jun 02, 2019
Pet custody in a divorce

For many people in Connecticut, a dog or a cat might be the fur baby of their dreams. Pets today are more and more looked upon as treasured members of a family, not just creatures that live in the barn or in the dog house…

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Making your Connecticut parenting plan out of court
May 31, 2019
Making your Connecticut parenting plan out of court

When parents can work together, the child benefits. This is especially true in the midst of a divorce. Determining parenting time after a divorce is key, and a proper parenting plan is essential to accomplishing this. In cases where parents are on decent terms, it…

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What types of adoption are available in Connecticut?
May 24, 2019
What types of adoption are available in Connecticut?

There are several different ways to add a new child to your family through the process of adoption. However, according to FindLaw, the laws that govern adoption vary by state. This means that the adoption methods available to parents in other states may not be…

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