When you are facing divorce, you know your financial situation will change. If you are the spouse who earns less, or you’ve been a stay-at-home parent raising your young children, you likely are concerned about how you’ll pay the bills after your divorce. Will you…
Your child’s high school graduation can be an exciting time, but if your child has turned 18 it can also be a time marked by a great deal of uncertainty. What if your ex does not support your child’s choice of college or their choice…
Parents need to be available for their children. Although the legal minimum provision for parental care may be support payments, quality time for parents to focus on their children’s upbringing is often considered a right for them. But there is no right for parents to…
Marriage is possibly humanity’s oldest institution and considered sacred across many cultures. But the fact that many marriages end in divorce shows that individual rights are still just as important. This is especially true if spouses are trying to make off with the riches of…
Parents who decide to end their marriage have to think about what’s going to happen to the children. The child custody and parenting time arrangement governs what goes on with them. There are many things that you have to think of when you’re going through…
Divorces can get messy, especially when they involved children. People always want the best for the children, and parents often want the maximum amount of time with them. Courts often get involved when spouses cannot agree on how to share the privileges and responsibilities of…
People will go to whatever lengths necessary to have children if that is what they want to do. Surrogacy and adoption used to be the only options beyond pregnancy and biological children, but technology has leaped ahead, and the law occasionally needs to catch up.…
Children are the future of our families, our nation and our world. They deserve all of the protections we can give them to assure their safe and constructive upbringing. Good parents rarely have a problem with that. But, the protections that families and the government…
Connecticut uses a system of probate courts to help people access the basic functions of the law with relative ease. After all, courts should serve the needs of the people who need their help the most. Probate courts are where guardians, inheritors and many other…
You and your spouse have been together for many years, but despite your best efforts, you’ve never been able to have a child. Over time, the trials you went through pushed you apart instead of bringing you together, and now you’ve found yourself in an…