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What happens to a valuable art collection during a divorce?
Jun 23, 2021
What happens to a valuable art collection during a divorce?

Connecticut is home to some of the most extensive private art collections in the country. Paintings can be worth thousands and sometimes even millions of dollars. Art is also a great investment that you can see appreciate over time. So, what happens to the collection…

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Do non-standard work schedules lead to divorce?
Jun 08, 2021
Do non-standard work schedules lead to divorce?

For many workers, each week means five days of working from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. However, there are those in occupations with much less standard schedules. For instance, truck drivers may be on the road for days or even weeks at a time. Firefighters…

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Do you have to pay for your ex’s pre-filing shopping spree?
May 25, 2021
Do you have to pay for your ex’s pre-filing shopping spree?

You and your spouse’s behaviors may change significantly as you near divorce. Neither of you may be on your best behavior anymore. In fact, it’s not uncommon for those considering divorce to be outright mean and petty with one another. One of the more common…

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What happens if you lose your job while paying child support?
May 11, 2021
What happens if you lose your job while paying child support?

Child support often costs hundreds of dollars a month and can consume a substantial amount of your take-home pay. Working parents can sometimes struggle to adjust to the expenses of supporting their households while also paying child support. For those who lose their jobs, child…

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Will you lose your inheritance when you decide to divorce?
May 05, 2021
Will you lose your inheritance when you decide to divorce?

When your parents passed away, they left you a significant inheritance. You were thrilled about the inheritance despite the situation, because it meant that you’d be better able to provide for your family. After you received it, you put that money into your joint bank…

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How the timing of your divorce may delay your retirement
Apr 26, 2021
How the timing of your divorce may delay your retirement

Researchers at Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research initiated a study into the impact that divorce had on retirement in 2018. The study’s authors concluded that couples who divorce later in life often struggle to hold on to their retirement accounts. You may find it…

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What income do judges consider when awarding alimony?
Apr 13, 2021
What income do judges consider when awarding alimony?

There are various reasons why a husband or wife may request alimony of their spouse when they divorce. It’s most common for this to happen when one of the spouses paused their career to support the other’s career endeavors or care for the home and…

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3 places your spouse could hide assets in a pending divorce
Mar 29, 2021
3 places your spouse could hide assets in a pending divorce

The property division proceedings in your divorce establish your financial future for your life after marriage. The courts usually try their best to be reasonable and fair in the way that they split property. Unfortunately, your spouse could try to make property division less fair…

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3 signs it may be time to divorce
Mar 19, 2021
3 signs it may be time to divorce

Every marriage has its ups and downs. You can have arguments that seem unresolvable. One of you could be unfaithful. Or you can fall out of love and wonder what you ever saw in each other. Yet, these do not necessarily mean your marriage is…

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Child custody and relocation of a minor
Mar 17, 2021
Child custody and relocation of a minor

There are a number of relatively commonplace occurrences that arise following the issuance of an initial child custody order in a Connecticut divorce that warrant a reconsideration of the order. One desire to change an existing custody order can stem from one parent wanting to…

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