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2 ways a parent can damage their ex’s relationship with the kids
Oct 12, 2021
2 ways a parent can damage their ex’s relationship with the kids

Divorce often forces each parent to become a better, more well-rounded caregiver for the children. However, some people do not become better parents but instead, become worse ones. A spouse who was previously kind and supportive to both you and the children could engage in…

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What you need to know about a high asset divorce in Connecticut
Sep 30, 2021
What you need to know about a high asset divorce in Connecticut

Divorce can be an emotionally difficult and draining process for anyone. The stakes can get bigger if it involves high net worth assets, and the process may not be so straightforward. Technically, such a divorce deals with the same issues that arise in typical divorce…

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Divorces with children come with special considerations
Sep 15, 2021
Divorces with children come with special considerations

Ending a marriage is often a tumultuous event, especially when you’re dealing with a high-conflict split. For some who go through a divorce, the primary thought is to be done with their ex. That’s not at all how it happens for divorcees who share children.…

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What happens to unused embryos in a Connecticut divorce?
Sep 09, 2021
What happens to unused embryos in a Connecticut divorce?

As more women have pursued higher education and competitive careers, more married couples have waited longer in life to start a family. This trend has led to a rise in fertility treatments to help these couples grow their families. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a…

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Have you addressed your child’s worries about your divorce?
Sep 03, 2021
Have you addressed your child’s worries about your divorce?

The decision to divorce affects everyone in the family, including the kids. It’s imperative that anyone who’s making the decision to end a marriage takes the time to address the concerns their children have. This can help the children to thrive despite the changes they’re…

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What are the acceptable grounds to get a divorce in Connecticut?
Aug 18, 2021
What are the acceptable grounds to get a divorce in Connecticut?

When getting a divorce is your only solution, many in Southport, Connecticut, wonder how to start the proceedings. Some of the questions these residents have include: How long will it take to complete the divorce? Am I eligible to receive alimony? How do courts make…

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How to tell if your spouse has cryptocurrency as you divorce
Aug 09, 2021
How to tell if your spouse has cryptocurrency as you divorce

A recent CNBC article indicates that around 20 million people own as much as $2 trillion in cryptocurrency in the United States right now. Most people who own this digital currency invested in it partly because cryptocurrencies have gone largely unregulated for the past decade…

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Determining your expenses when seeking alimony
Jul 26, 2021
Determining your expenses when seeking alimony

You’ve likely heard the saying that relationships involve a lot of give and take. That’s often the theme that underlies a situation in which a spouse decides to sacrifice their career to move somewhere new for their spouse’s job. Spouses may also give up their…

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Can co-business owners work together after divorce?
Jul 07, 2021
Can co-business owners work together after divorce?

If you and your spouse started a business together, a divorce can get very complicated. You’re not just losing your spouse, but also someone you work with and depend on professionally every day. The most obvious solution may be to sell the company to someone…

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Divorce with kids may come later than you think
Jul 06, 2021
Divorce with kids may come later than you think

Getting divorced is common for couples who have children together. Often, the assumption is that these parents will have gotten married in their 20s and decided to split up in their 30s. Consider, for instance, the so-called seven-year-itch. A couple may get married in their…

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