When a couple decides to divorce or separate, the court may direct the non-custodial parent to pay child support to the custodial parent. This payment is intended to ensure that the child’s expenses such as food, clothing, housing and healthcare are met. However, child support…
It is never easy to split up your finances and households after a divorce. Many couples spend decades together and share almost all of their possessions. They may also have shared or commingled debts. Your household credit card balances could be a significant consideration during…
In Connecticut, there are three kinds of alimony. The first is pendent lite, which is temporary support awarded during the divorce process. The second type is permanent alimony, which is created at the end of the divorce proceedings. This may not actually be permanent but…
Parenting after you split up with your child’s other parent can be a challenge. It’s imperative that you work together to come up with the terms of the parenting plan. This can help everyone to adjust to the new way of life a little easier.…
You want a divorce – and you fully anticipate paying at least some alimony to your spouse. Even though you weren’t married very long, you make significantly more than your spouse and you know that Connecticut’s alimony statute doesn’t set a minimum time on a…
When you are the parent with more obligations to your children, child support from your ex will help you make ends meet. Although the parent paying child support likely complains that it affects their finances, as the one receiving it, you know that child support…
Working with your ex to raise the children you share isn’t always easy. It’s imperative that both parents are willing to compromise to get the children what they need. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Co-parents may not always get along. Dealing with an ex who…
Typically, there are numerous contentious issues to settle throughout the divorce process. For example, ownership and property rights must be negotiated as well as any disputes over child custody. Frequently, contentious issues also have a financial element to them. Finances play a key role in…
Parental alienation is a phrase that refers to when a parent harms their child’s relationship with the other parent. Usually, this is intentional, such as if they start telling the child lies about the other parent or promise to give them gifts if they will…
You may hear that the divorce rate, except for those in their 50s and older, has consistently been falling in the United States. This is often painted as a dramatic change showing that young people have more stable marriages. But is that really what is…