Category Archives: Divorce & High Asset Divorce

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Why is your spouse giving away assets?
May 23, 2023
Why is your spouse giving away assets?

Say that you’re reviewing your bank statements when you realize that your spouse transferred a significant amount of money out of your account. You ask them about it, and they tell you that they gave the money to a friend as a business loan or…

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How much alimony should you expect in a Connecticut divorce?
May 10, 2023
How much alimony should you expect in a Connecticut divorce?

You may have given up your career to care for your family shortly after marriage or agreed to play homemaker while your spouse brings home the bacon. Since you are financially dependent on your spouse, you may be entitled to spousal support, otherwise referred to…

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Divorce can impact your work life
May 09, 2023
Divorce can impact your work life

Navigating the emotional upheaval of a divorce can be challenging, and it’s essential to keep its impact from affecting your job performance. It’s best to think ahead and determine how you’re going to cope with the major changes that are coming. Around 44% of individuals…

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6 causes of divorce
Apr 12, 2023
6 causes of divorce

Divorce happens for all kinds of reasons. You may feel as if your marriage is heading for divorce, but you can’t explain why. The following may help explain why it looks like divorce is on your horizon. Here are some of the most common reasons…

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3 tips for running a business with an ex
Mar 06, 2023
3 tips for running a business with an ex

Your family-based business might have been a fruitful venture during your marriage, but it can become a source of trouble if your marriage ends because you ultimately have to decide what will happen both with your divorce and your business at the same time. Some…

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The benefits of having a forensic accountant in divorce
Feb 23, 2023
The benefits of having a forensic accountant in divorce

The trust eroded from your marriage so much so that divorce seems the most realistic option. That lack of trust has touched many facets of your marriage as you have long suspected your spouse of certain suspicious activities, including hiding assets. This is the time…

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What is a contested divorce?
Jan 27, 2023
What is a contested divorce?

There are those who believe that a contested divorce means that the outcome is somehow in question. They view it as if the divorce may happen, but it may not, and it is up to the court to decide if the couple can actually end…

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Don’t make these missteps during your divorce
Aug 22, 2022
Don’t make these missteps during your divorce

There is so much to keep in mind during your divorce that it’s easy to make some hasty decisions here and there. Those decisions can be pretty consequential in terms of your finances, happiness and the kids’ future. You understandably want to get the divorce…

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Should you accept lump-sum alimony in a high-asset divorce?
Aug 06, 2022
Should you accept lump-sum alimony in a high-asset divorce?

Alimony is usually a sore subject in high-asset divorces. Often, mistrust, anger and feelings of betrayal cause one or both spouses to fear getting the short end of the community property stick. Less wealthy spouses want to ensure they receive a fair amount of alimony…

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Top 5 reasons why couples divorce
May 02, 2022
Top 5 reasons why couples divorce

You want to believe that your marriage is invulnerable to divorce. But is it really? Certainly, there can be no guarantees that you can go the distance as a couple. But there are some indicators that your marriage could be in jeopardy. One Midwestern family…

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