One of the main decisions a court makes when it comes to children is child support payments. Child support is a payment from one parent to another to assist with the care of the children. Usually, the parent who the children live with receives the…
Connecticut parents who get divorced know that they must still find a way to work together for the benefit of their joint children. This is definitely a task that can be easier said than done. However, with the right level of consciousness and focus on…
Despite the initial struggles that you may experience following your divorce in Southport, life will go on. Part of the process of moving on might involve the opportunity to relocate. However, your having custody of your children can complicate matters, as a move would no…
As countless Connecticut residents going through divorce are aware, the process can present seemingly endless obstacles. This is especially true for ex-spouses with children. While a child’s best interest is generally top priority in child custody arrangements, the details of these laws can vary from…