Not every parent in Connecticut is fit to raise a child. If the court deems an individual an unfit parent, that person might be looking at serious consequences. An unfit parent could lose child custody and visitation rights, have their parental rights terminated or have…
During a divorce, one of the greatest sources of fear and anxiety for parents is the well-being of their children, including how often parents will get to see them. With most parenting plans including some version of joint custody, parents in Connecticut have many options…
Connecticut parents who are ordered to pay child support may run into financial difficulties at times that can make it difficult to meet their monthly obligations. However, they cannot simply stop paying child support because that can get them into trouble with the court. Here…
When parents get a divorce in Connecticut, one parent may be required to pay child support to the other. This is a fixed amount that a judge has approved, but it is possible to get a child support order modified in certain situations. Child support…
When parents in Connecticut divorce or otherwise end their relationship, a judge will create an initial custody order. In some cases, only one parent will be granted custody of a son or daughter while the other will likely be given visitation rights. However, the noncustodial…
Your child’s high school graduation can be an exciting time, but if your child has turned 18 it can also be a time marked by a great deal of uncertainty. What if your ex does not support your child’s choice of college or their choice…
Children are the future of our families, our nation and our world. They deserve all of the protections we can give them to assure their safe and constructive upbringing. Good parents rarely have a problem with that. But, the protections that families and the government…
Coming to an agreement on custody arrangements is not always easy for both parents. Many custody battles wind up in family court, where the judge makes the decision as to who will have custody of the child. Once an agreement is in place, both parents…
The end of summer can often be a busy time for families in Connecticut who have school-aged children. People may try to fit in the last of the summer fun activities while also needing to get prepared for that eventual first day of school. For…
It goes without saying that, as a Connecticut parent, you want what is best for your child. At Reich & Truax, PLLC, we know that that includes a postsecondary education well suited to your child’s interests and abilities. As you prepare for divorce proceedings, however,…