Category Archives: Child Custody & Support

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When can you ask your ex to pay more child support?
Dec 10, 2021
When can you ask your ex to pay more child support?

When you are the parent with more obligations to your children, child support from your ex will help you make ends meet. Although the parent paying child support likely complains that it affects their finances, as the one receiving it, you know that child support…

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How can you deal with an uncooperative co-parent?
Nov 26, 2021
How can you deal with an uncooperative co-parent?

Working with your ex to raise the children you share isn’t always easy. It’s imperative that both parents are willing to compromise to get the children what they need. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Co-parents may not always get along. Dealing with an ex who…

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2 ways a parent can damage their ex’s relationship with the kids
Oct 12, 2021
2 ways a parent can damage their ex’s relationship with the kids

Divorce often forces each parent to become a better, more well-rounded caregiver for the children. However, some people do not become better parents but instead, become worse ones. A spouse who was previously kind and supportive to both you and the children could engage in…

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Divorces with children come with special considerations
Sep 15, 2021
Divorces with children come with special considerations

Ending a marriage is often a tumultuous event, especially when you’re dealing with a high-conflict split. For some who go through a divorce, the primary thought is to be done with their ex. That’s not at all how it happens for divorcees who share children.…

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Have you addressed your child’s worries about your divorce?
Sep 03, 2021
Have you addressed your child’s worries about your divorce?

The decision to divorce affects everyone in the family, including the kids. It’s imperative that anyone who’s making the decision to end a marriage takes the time to address the concerns their children have. This can help the children to thrive despite the changes they’re…

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What happens if you lose your job while paying child support?
May 11, 2021
What happens if you lose your job while paying child support?

Child support often costs hundreds of dollars a month and can consume a substantial amount of your take-home pay. Working parents can sometimes struggle to adjust to the expenses of supporting their households while also paying child support. For those who lose their jobs, child…

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Child custody and relocation of a minor
Mar 17, 2021
Child custody and relocation of a minor

There are a number of relatively commonplace occurrences that arise following the issuance of an initial child custody order in a Connecticut divorce that warrant a reconsideration of the order. One desire to change an existing custody order can stem from one parent wanting to…

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Can fathers’ rights be enforced in a child custody case?
Mar 13, 2021
Can fathers’ rights be enforced in a child custody case?

In Connecticut child custody cases, it is not uncommon for fathers to feel as if their role is secondary. It is especially challenging if the couple is not married. Fathers who want to play an active role in a child’s life should know their rights.…

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How do Connecticut courts determine child custody?
Mar 08, 2021
How do Connecticut courts determine child custody?

A divorce is often the most difficult event of a person’s life. It becomes much more difficult when there are minor children involved. If you are dealing with an impending divorce, you may be wondering which factors Connecticut courts take into account when deciding which…

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What documents may help parents in child custody hearings?
Jan 06, 2021
What documents may help parents in child custody hearings?

Child custody cases could become more drawn-out and involved than either parent wishes. Achieving a favorable outcome in Connecticut family courts involves making statements as well as providing evidence that could help the cause, and there are several documents that petitioning parents may need to…

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