Understanding amicable divorce

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Understanding amicable divorce

At the law offices of Reich & Truax, PLLC, we know that one of the last words most Connecticut residents want to hear associated with their divorce is “amicable.” After all, the circumstances that led to the end of your marriage were likely to be anything but amicable. However, you may want to learn about the types of uncontested divorce, often referred to as amicable divorce, that may help the process go by more smoothly and effectively.

If you hope to end your marriage with one of the uncontested methods, you will need to learn about mediation and collaborative law. As FindLaw explains, mediation involves you, your spouse and a neutral third party in a series of sessions where you attempt to resolve your disputes without court intervention. In a collaborative divorce, you and your spouse would have your own attorneys and agree not to litigate. If litigation is unavoidable, your attorneys would be required to resign. This method often gives everyone an incentive to cooperate.

An uncontested divorce can cost less and be less time-consuming than going to court. These methods are also known to reduce conflict and teach divorcing spouses how to communicate and compromise in other areas, such as co-parenting. However, amicable divorce is not possible for everyone. Your interests may be better served through litigation if domestic violence, substance addiction or psychological intimidation were factors in your marriage. You will need to consider your options carefully before making a decision. Our page on mediation explains further about how uncontested divorce works.

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