Should you have an open or closed adoption?

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Should you have an open or closed adoption?

If you are unable to have children of your own in Connecticut, you may be considering adoption. There are many avenues you can take with adoption, and using an agency is a popular choice for many parents. Whether you adopt an infant or an older child, you will be able to choose whether to have an open or closed adoption, so it is a good idea to know what each one means and their implications.

According to the Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries, an open adoption is one in which the birth mother or parents are able to keep in contact, and even visit, with the adopted child after the adoption is final. An open adoption may include visitation rights for not only the natural parents, but also for a sibling or grandparents. In a closed adoption, the natural or adoptive parents do not share any identifying information, and there is no ongoing contact.

Adoptive Families discusses some of the benefits and challenges associated with both types of adoption. Advocates of the open approach claim the situation is more compassionate and helps the child understand the process and helps the birth mother move through grief. However, it can also be challenging if the birth mother suddenly disappears and cuts off contact or begins to have more of a parental impact than the adoptive parents like.

A closed adoption may be easier for the adoptive parents and child in the early years, but as the child learns about the adoption, he or she may have more questions and want to know who the natural parents are. Experts say the bottom line for your decision needs to come down to what is best for the child, not the parents.

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